Present simple and continuous

Present continuous (I am playing)

The continuous is used for things happening around the time of speaking. They are not completed actions.

Present simple (I do)

The simple is used for general things or actions that happen repeatedly

  I am doing  

past now future
I do

past now future

The continuous is used for temporary situations.

The simple is used for permanent situations.

Are the following sentences right or wrong. If they are correct type ok in the box. If it is incorrect type the correct form.

1.Derek drinks beer every day.
2.Derek drinks a pint of lager at the moment.
3.Look! That guy drinks your beer.
4.Water boils at 100° Celsius.
5.The water boils. You can put in the veg now.
6.What do Gemma and Martin talk about now?
7.The earth goes around the sun in about 356 days.
8.It's time to go. It gets late.
9.Janet usually cycles to university.
10.We have to leave now. Do you come?
11.How do you get on in your new flat?
12.Gavin is always walking to work.

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